Exams, Invigilation and Debar – another social anathema!

We all have gone through exams. We have sat for 3 hours of theory exams. We all know what goes through the day before the exams and the life surrounding it. The Armageddon of any class/semester/course are the exams and the grilling the long and short of the question paper symbolizes the polymorphism of “Yaksha Prashne” or even “Garuda Purana” or similar such after death experiences!

I might have down right exaggerated the experience of the written exams. But, with all due respects to the education system wanting to go through the written rigor of exams is something the next generation should not go through. At least the bad emotional quotient and the low ebb of confidence it creates in the young human mind. [Are our minds really proportional to our age? ]

Let me try to articulate what I mean by calling this a social anathema? I am for continuous evaluation and I believe the education or the courses should make the student love the subject and the exams should be the “LAST” of the worries to him/her. I remember a great professor telling this in my first year Master’s degree.

“Exams and grades if I were you, I wouldn’t worry for it, for you should be really worried about the actual world which will put your learning to test…!”.

It was one of those Eureka moments for everybody in the hall! It was the first time, I really heard something really practical from the other side of the class! The art of teaching lies in putting questions in the student’s minds and allow them to scratch the itch in their minds, give them enough room to find out the answer and also guide them towards the answer.

Making students learn voluntarily should be the goal. Some might argue saying “It’s too difficult!” I would agree to that. It wouldn’t be the noblest profession what it is, what it was, what it will be. It’s a profession which continuously “Gives” without expecting anything! If there is any change to this framework of “Give” and “Take” it will break the fabric and backbone of education system.

A student ideally should not be given homework. Instead, the student should be encouraged to demo something which he/she has done or even explain what he/she thinks is wrong in the topics chosen! There is a good chance, the student would learn more from this than merely asking them to taken down notes from the slides/black board! It take a great teacher to do this!

It’s not an easy job teaching teenagers or even small kids. Sometimes, teachers need to punish but not severely and definitely not beating them or harassing them or embarrassing the student. It’s a strict NO-NO and not acceptable. There are lot of ways to handle mischievous, opinionated students.

I have heard many people proudly doing Invigilation during exams and frisking the students to see if they are carrying any chits! Let’s just say, the invigilator found the student carrying chits. The student need not be debarred but instead take the chits and ask him/her to write down whatever he/she knows. He is not committing any crime, but there is a bigger problem he/she is facing! This is a case of a STUDENT SCREAMING for HELP!!! and the worst thing that can happen to the student is – he/she getting DEBARRED!!! Should the law be the same for robbers and students?

The whole exam phobia stems for FEAR OF FAILURE! FAILURE is not a negative word. SUCCESS is not a positive word. WINNING is not everything. A student should never associate him/herself with LOST/LOSER/LOSING! A system which preaches failure is bad is bound to create social anathemas like this.

In the video – The student begs the college principal – “Sir. I don’t understand Maths how much ever I try. I am scared that I will fail!”. What does the Principal do? “Embarrass him. Kick him out!” Student is misinformed about failure and society. He is not having an outlet to express his thoughts. Principal in the movie should have been in the Army but not in any school/college! Principal’s role reminds of this fantastic ad – “Caught in the wrong job? by Monster.com Ad”

Thus, I conclude my thoughts after watching my favorite movie. “NagaraHavu”. Dr. Vishnuvardhan , KS Ashwath and Loknath have all done their best acting in this movie!

Near Future

In 1980s, in Bangalore at least, we used to freely go to our neighbour’s home, sit with them, watch their programmes on tv with them and not really expect anything from them but sheer company of each other was all that was.

Come 1990s, city expanded, law of the land started allowing construction in unheard layouts. Banks started giving loans and middle class families could afford BDA sites, Banks started letting go of it’s employees through voluntary retirement programme/scheme. What it meant was a normal man had a bulk amount of money and there was an opportunity to buy a house! The 1980s luxuries of Color TV, Washing machine, own house, two wheeler or even fancy a maruthi 800 which were all status symbols of 1980s rich people. The society started gravitating towards defining these things as Baseline to show that their family has progressed. People who were not in banks and where they were working didn’t see the necessity of letting go of people and hence felt left out in the wave! Despondent these people started feeling that they should make bulk money atleast when they retired. That is when LIC schemes, PPF, Mutual Funds, Post office schemes and all became famous. By the time it was 1995, software industry started becoming a rage. It was paying obscene amount of money for its employees. Families which lost out on the wave of rich luxuries of 1980s started seeing this is an opportunity – never too late in the life. Now, what changed in the societal interaction was the same set of families which were going all very well with whatever they had started worrying about the future. Every other neighbour had a story that their relatives bought a plot and have invited them for a house warming ceremony. People stopped sending their kids to Ajji-Thatha mane (Grandfather/Grand mothers homes) during summer vacation but asked them to gain some skills so that it might give them an edge over others. Entire society was now anxious, nervous about the future at the end of 1990s. At the same time, Australia, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia opened it’s arms for foreign nationals to go and their lands. Some went to Gulf in search of jobs and more money. Some said Good bye to India by deciding to start a new life in some other land!! A normal family witnessed all of these in the forms of relatives/neighbours! It was no war, but a war like situation in the human minds! Value based programs on Doordarshan had lost it’s charm by the end of 1990s. Cricket made rich people out of normal men who made it to national team. Cable wars started – youngsters started watching 1970/1980s UK/USA sitcoms, Cartoon Network became famous. Video Games started becoming affordable and Chinese goods were dumped into cities and there were so many National markets which sold chinese goods. Death of Government jobs. Vivid Bharathi was soon to be replaced by FM which had young RJs. Politics was becoming more and more non-value based.

Come early 2000s, atleast these two things our society witnessed – one, the obscene amount of salary paying IT industry started sending it’s employees to USA/Japan/Korea/Germany/France etc., Which put a sort of question marks over the ability of a normal middle class family. Not just for normal middle class family but for anybody “Why can’t our sons and daughters go for foreign assignments??!!” “We don’t want our sons/daughters to sweat like us in factories, We want them to lead a comfortable life, AC office, computer, good salary, foreign trips!!” A normal family which was earning 8K by head of the family started seeing their kids pocket 35k to even 50K per month in a matter of a decade!! It was phenomenal. At the same time, people who had joined Infosys in the early days had their shares and it became a crazy news about how they became millionaires just by association. Society became hysterical reading these kind of stories constantly getting injected. With TCS, Infosys, Wipros, CTS, Accenture, HCL, etc., hiring 130 people a day in engineering colleges became headlines. At the same time, IIM B-schools grads getting 1 crore salaries became headlines. Now, the society’s bar started rising every day. 30K salary was seen a low salary by under-graduates. Mobile phones, Internet spread the news farther, further, faster! Orkut, Facebooks added fuel to this mad rush. People started finding their long lost friends and started verifying how they are doing compared to them. It was like a life’s progress/health report. “This fellow who was so poor in Maths and could not speak English, look at him he is now in Chicago!” Going to IIT/REC/NIT was always a fad but in 2000s it became more of a rat race. If you miss IITs/REC/NITs atleast try IIMs! So, the takers for CAT and other B-school entrance exams increased 100% YoY at some time in mid 2000s. People witnessed two Recessions back-to-back. Already a society was finding it hard in the constantly changing social bench marks couldn’t take the pressure and it became an open secret that in India it is just to difficult to flourish and there is too much rat race! True and false. Marriage market was the worst hit. A family which went for traditional search-match-arranged marriages were hit with harsh realities by both girls and boys sides. Each sides distraught decided that their son/daughter will not continue to suffer ignominy like this – “lets shed our values which is not relevant. We need to change according to times”.. and started forcing their kids to consider masters in foreign lands and further to citizenship conversion! The society had changed so much that every one kid in the family would keep the family awake in odd hours for Skype. Lonely old couples in big big houses became normal. People in cities started moving to metropolitan cities of foreign lands. People in villages started migrating to cities! Entrepreneurship became famous for making quick and large bucks! Social interaction meant -discussion about future based on 3 C’s (which course, which country, which company)! For a normal family – It was too much pressure to take. It was better to avoid social interaction and send their kids out than face the constant rancour of society against each other! Landlines died. SMS started and almost saw death. BSNL had competitors. GPRS was no longer used for just MMS!

Come 2010s, A decade into new millennium – people who were young and bold in 1990s were now old and old people in 1990s were no more (majority atleast – with them went away their values and their 60s/70s struggles?). The youth of 1990s started liking on Facebook and using Whatsapp. SMS and telegram was spoken in same pitch. What orkut/facebook did in early 2000s to bring back old connects Whatsapp did. In the noise of Facebook, people missed out on small talks and Whatsapp provided the avenue for photo sharing and festival/new year wishes. What used to be 1000 people and 300 kids in the marriage halls and house warming ceremonies now saw 100 people and 10 kids who were wearing glasses and speaking more fluent english than mother tongues. Discussed more about Football leagues in England/Europe/Basketball leagues in the USA! Duck faced selfies became a rage to an extent that people took selfies on every occasion warranted little freedom to take photographs! Society now had almost stopped interacting with each other as there were complete strangers from different, distant states eating/cooking/speaking different cultures and had a business like attitude towards their lands. Suddenly, the same place where the society set of now started seeing they have come way too far – way far from where they started! When they looked back it was very scary- they had lost so many people and society had changed – diminished values – low morals – sense of success changing every second! Following one’s own religion was now made political and called uncool and loud by media! Media interviewed future PMs to convicts to Headmasters of schools/colleges to policymakers to noble prize winners to religious heads in the same manner with no iota of respect! Society now has almost completely stopped integrating with each other. Each skype video call gives as much joy as meeting a family in person. Each hangout has more personal touch than a whatsapp photo! Facebook is almost dying! Whatsapp looks like is nearing it’s end!

What could be the future????? Completely virtual lives? Devoid of all societal interaction except on internet or on phones. Remote working. Order pizza online. Buy clothes online. Order provision stores stuff online. PAy from your mobile. Wear google glasses which tells you what to look at! Looks like Augmented Reality will consume the real world! I would imagine the future of the society interaction would be as impersonal as sitting in a picaddilly tube on a overcast cold December Monday morning in London, each passenger sitting and reading on their devices/newspapers/sleeping just worried about reaching their destination which feeds them and with pin drop silence!!!!

It’s not a shock as Alvin Toffler said but a society which has brought this on itself by constantly wanting what they don’t have!

Feelings dictionary!

Ever wondered when you sit and hear “those” songs – just those ones you can’t predict what happens. You are afraid how your mood changes like London’s weather. Euphoric to melancholic feelings can hit your body any moment! What makes “those” songs? Is it just music or singer or the combination of singer and background music or the lyrics or the actors or the music director whom you liked or is it just “beyond” all these? How does it happen! We create them and encrypt them in our hearts and lock it and throw that away! You can’t destroy it though, you switch on the radio and you hear that song is played on a Sunday afternoon or you are having lunch with your colleagues this song gets played!

Just imagine that song can make you cry, laugh and turn you hysterical, or what nots! It evokes feelings quite dangerously! Those songs creates “that” world around you in your mind, your body reacts to it but you are not there in that world but you are in the current world.. you are in the mid of the past world and in the current world! just imagine that feeling – feeling of two worlds! It is pure ecstasy! Feeling of existing in Dual world!

There are many songs you start liking without even knowing the lyrics. The lyrics can be very poor but the actor and music and background singer would have given it so much “Feelings” – one ends up savouring it forever!

What creates this ecstasy? happenstance? I think mind combined with feelings and repeated listening to “those” songs and remembering “those” memories make them create a Hashmap (key, value) pair. Key being that song in “those” songs and value is an Object (could be anything! feelings of emotions, love or longing or yearning for whatever you don’t have it now)!

Such is the power of this Key-value pair a.k.a “Feelings Dictionary” even when the size of dictionary grows the powerful keys would be cached and the feelings comes even faster! It gets photographed in the memory with a strangely powerful native encryption !

Just listen to this song and tell me what you felt!

socia-media-phobia – Keep calm and stand clear!

We are in an era where we are fortunate to see empires (Social Media) built on internet and witnessing it collapsing in just few years! Orkut was one such thing. Facebook is losing it’s charm. People have started using LinkedIn like Facebook by posting blogs. Whatsapp and whatsapp like messengers have come (and gone!). The evolution of internet has still not created big empires which stood the test of time. There are two ways to look at this fleeting internet empires:

Software/Business Perspective: Everything (successful*) becomes a platform and becomes bigger and grows so big at such a rapid rate and then a big bang

* – There are metrics for everything. Sigh.

Users perspective : The place becomes more and more like crowded tourist place or a football stadium.. people just can not communicate amidst the cacophony it generates!

This t-shirt might capture the sentiment of people are running away from this social media  – it is the phobia people develop because of social media bringing people too close to comfort zones!

Keep calm and stand clear! People need more space!

Screen Shot 2014-09-12 at 00.02.28

Image: http://www.tshirtstudio.com/designs/Classic/red-keep-calm-t-shirt

Odourless thoughts!

In the current world we live in, whatever we write or express is criticised both positively and negatively. If it’s an opinion on social matters/politics/religion one has to be really really think twice  before penning down or tapping down something, for it will have far reaching consequence or worst case one might be in headlines of a newspaper for wrong reasons or behind bars or will have so many followers which will lead to becoming of a famous celebrity (in turn losing personal life). 

When a thought flashes in a person, it has already taken a side. The thought was born to take that side. A thought in turn that person will have some supporters(sympathisers) and opposers to that thought. 

The entire world again has started to feel like high school. Where, friendships are ruthless and each action is bullied over by other classmates. If it’s not a populist opinion that kid will be alienated or worse mocked on for the whole year or even for life! It’s the way of life to tag everyone with their opinions. 

How should one lead a life in this punishing world? I think there is no one solution to it, the minimal one sticks to a school of thought, more one is odourless in their thoughts the better!




My 2014 current Test Squad – so far

  1. Kumara Sangakkara (C)
  2. Michael Clarke (VC)
  3. Ross Taylor
  4. Hashim Amla
  5. Angelo Mathews (All rounder)
  6. Faf Du Plesis
  7. Ab DeVilliers (WK)
  8. Brendon McCullum
  9. Rangan Herath
  10. Saeed Ajmal
  11. Tim Southee
  12. Dale Steyn
  13. Stuart Broad
  14. Mitchell Johnson

Others who missed out are

  • Mahela Jayawardane
  • James Anderson
  • Peter Siddle
  • Younis Khan
  • Ian Bell
  • Morne Morkel
  • Joe Root

Sensitive/Insensitive – all about perspectives!

Scenario – 0

I read an article on linkedin which had the follow up comments:


Wrong Perspective:

Hilarious comment. 

Right Perspective:

This article surmises that there is something really “Insensitive” comments passed around in the guise of it being “hilarious”. It’s just not cool to talk “Insensitive”. Just the way humans have accepted that it’s no longer cool to make racist/sexist comments, it should not stop there, it should be in every walk of life. Getting fired is still a sensitive thing for many people. To make it less dramatic, the comment was highly insensitive and these kind of comments should definitely be avoided on LinkedIn – However successful you are! It will prove costly!

Scenario – 1

In a famous racquet club, between two people 

“you know what, you don’t have a good follow through, if you don’t learn to play good strokes, people will avoid playing with you (like plague)”.

Wrong Perspective:

A person who seeks quality may not essential be a ranked player, at best an ordinary bloke who have worked his way to play decently but his/her ego is so inflated that he/she prefers to play with only “quality” players! Snide person!

Right Perspective:

It’s a critical feedback. When organizations spend huge amounts of cost(time X money) day in and day out to get critical feedback about their products from customers, you have got a critical feedback. If you work on this feedback, you will not lose anything but you will only appear as a person with large heart! Why not take some lessons and work really hard! No Ifs and buts, the least you could do with this feedback is thank the person and the best you could is – action on this at least in the near future at your convenience.

Scenario – 2

One of my clients saw a developer using a windows laptop and made faces.

Wrong Perspective:

Oh come on! I have a MAC and I use it whenever I want. I am equally proficient on Linux/Windows/Mac.At the end of the day, it’s a convenience. Literally, why is the entire development team jumping with astonishment to find me carrying a windows laptop! Can’t they be less expressive?! It’s my life and I will lead it my way.

Right Perspective:

May be development on Mac is lot easier. May be they feel it’s a pain to set up the environment. It might be because that software was developed to run on Mac. Again, if you don’t get the context, you will feel “IN-sensitized!” 🙂 

Scenario – 3

In an interview “Which Android community do you follow?”.

Wrong Perspective:

“Hello!!, honestly how does it matter?. Isn’t it more of a life style question?! My choice. Come on. I get learning anywhere. As long as my learning is up to date. It’s fine. NO! How dare you bracket me as ‘Cool’ or ‘not cool’ just by knowing if am endorsing a certain “Community”. I will answer NONE!”

Right Perspective:

The actual intent of the question is- Is he/she into Open Source and is he/she contributing in free time or does he/she go the extra mile to make him/her self free to contribute. It means only positive things – he/she is open for learning and sharing which means easy to work with and will be a contributor. If you are not into open source, admit it and appreciate the fact that there are people who really like to do something helpful for the community and finds heart and time for it.


If everything is about perspectives. What makes a right and wrong perspective? Who is the judge? Is your conscience the judge? or Should we take another feedback from somebody? Whatever it is – if somebody is even sensitive enough to stand back and analyze if they have right/wrong perspective, they are already in the right path!

involution of worries

Have you ever wondered that the computers or mobiles which we use doesn’t use its cpu power to 100%? which means if the capacity is ‘x’ and we at the most throttle cpu engine upto 0.2 to 0.6x but not at ‘x’. So, we are not using it completely! and processing power is wasted?

There is a long debate going on the world, which side of the human brain is used for analytic reasons. You can click on this link for a quick look up : http://psychology.about.com/od/cognitivepsychology/a/left-brain-right-brain.htm That’s a hot debate. Even if one keeps all these concepts aside, we are left with a not so undulating perspective about our own efficiency to think efficiently?

Android provides a way to check which screen and image element is slowing the app. Likewise, won’t it be nice if we could analyze what exactly is causing us to run in speed ‘y’ as opposed to ‘x’. For discussion sake.. For some y > x and for some x provides an impetus to increase y i.e. system side programmers. I always wondered how was it when people programmed video games in 1980s. Can we call this worry? Human worries?

How can we mathematically represent worry/worries? if worries were to be a set and is it possible to find out the W-i (subscript) which is the dominating worry and could it be said that is the root of all the worries? But, does worries constitute as a set? Or a tree? Or a graph?

What makes us anxious? Is it worry? Or fear? What type of relation exists between these psychological entities? can we measure them?

What kind of relations these things share? Can we map them In an euclidean space? Are they congruent? Do they satisfy involution? If so what will be the order?

I just searched on the net to see if there are any mathematical expression for worry, Psychologists are coming from statistical point of view and some are trying derive the expression from male and female perspective by asking them to answer few questions and plotting the curve. How can it get more incomplete?!

As I try to sleep. Am more worried trying to crack what worry is and what is making me worried about worry? How can we represent call backs mathematically?

Now I know what can drive a person nuts – not the worry itself but the worry on worry!